Sunday, October 12, 2014


When I think of developing healthy habits that make you feel beautiful, I think of preventative care. In our young years we are fortunate enough to not think of the negative consequences to our health. The majority of people as they age wish they took the time when they were younger to take care of their health when health concerns arises. One of the health concerns people over look is the importance of sunscreen. Applying sunscreen is beneficial in many ways. For one you are protecting your health by decreasing your risks of developing skin cancer and secondly you are protecting your skin from the damaging sun-rays from physical damage to your skin. 

Products that I use are pictured and listed below. I find that having a moisturize containing SPF is the easiest way and convenient way for me to apply my daily sunscreen without having to worry. On days where I feel I need more protection for my face I apply the other two sunscreens either the Neutrogena Ultra Sheer SPF 30 or Clinique SPF 50 Sunscreen. 

When looking for products keep in mind the different terms such as UVA, UVB, SPF and broad-spectrum. All terms relate to different things that you need to be aware of to protect yourself. More information can be found by clicking the link:

When I am applying sunscreen I know that I am protecting myself from developing future health concerns and also protecting my skin from physical damage of the sun. Applying sunscreen is a simple and easy way to preserve your health and beauty. I hope this inspires you to apply sunscreen to protect yourself from future harm!  

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